Our Mission: We exist to share in Jesus’ life, and to share it out.
Our Aim: To be a loving church with a gospel-preaching, Bible-teaching heartbeat, growing in depth and numbers, where everyone plays their part in establishing many brand new Christians in Sidcup.
Christ Church is an all-age church that’s strongly rooted in the local community. We believe that Jesus died and rose again for us and that he promises to share that new life with everyone who trusts in him. We exist to share in Jesus’ life more deeply and to share it out more widely.
We emphasize expository Bible teaching and encourage personal Bible reading as the way we hear his voice and learn how to live out his new life. We love to pray together because that’s how we draw upon the living presence of God’s Holy Spirit. We make much of our church family relationships because Jesus wants us to share his life together. We love to share Jesus’ message of life with those who are not part of the church yet, and help them discover life with Jesus for themselves. We aim to make the church accessible for new people to join. And we love giving those who don’t already follow Jesus the opportunity to explore his life, death and resurrection through events, courses and personal conversation.
Everyone is welcome to our services. We meet at 9am, 10:30am and 6pm. They are different in style but always focused around God’s Word and Jesus Christ.
We have groups for pretty much everyone. So if you’re interested in learning more about Christianity or you want to grow in your faith, we’ve got it covered.