By Adam Curtis
I love podcasts. I love listening to them while I’m washing up my dishes or going for a walk. I love them because they help me think. They stretch my mind and give me a new perspective on things. Here are 5 podcasts that I think are particularly good at that. I hope you enjoy listening…
#1 The Good Book Company
The Good Book Company produce excellent books and resources for Christians. In this podcast they have lively conversations with their authors about the church, culture and the Christian life. I like this podcast because it keeps me up to date with new Christian books, but also lets me get to know the author on a more personal level.
#2 Speak Life
Speak Life wants to help people see the world with Jesus at the center. It is hosted by the evangelist Glen Scrivener. It is not only very funny, but also highly thought provoking.
#3 Life and Books and Everything
If you like books then this is the podcast for you. It is hosted by three Christian men who love talking about books! I particularly recommend the episode with Tim Keller. His reflections upon his battle with cancer are incredibly insightful.
#4 Faith in Kids
The Faith in Kids podcast is all about helping families raise their kids in the Christian faith. They’re not claiming to have all the answers, but a few starting points. I will admit as a single man I’ve not listened to very many of these. But, I studied with one of the hosts, Ed Drew, and I think he is top quality!
#5 Cooper and Cary have words
Cooper and Cary are two friends who live 4000 miles apart. They enjoy speaking about theology, culture and art, and have turned their conversations into a podcast. I particularly enjoy how friendly and warm this podcast is. I almost feel like I’m part of the group.